Transferul pe care Gigi Becali vrea să îl vadă cât mai repede jucând este anunțat titular în FCSB – Hamburg. FCSB se pregătește în Antalya înainte de reluarea campionatului în Superliga. Elevii lui Elias Charalambous […] The post Gigi Becali a decis echipa de start pentru FCSB – HSV. Transferul care a intrat direct titular, după ce patronul a spus că abia aşteaptă să-l vadă jucând appeared first on Prosport.
Gigi Becali, the owner of FCSB, has chosen the starting lineup for an upcoming match against HSV. A new transfer has been selected to start directly, and Becali is eagerly anticipating the player's performance.
The text seems to be promoting a tip-line for information about the starting lineup.
Gigi Becali, the owner of FCSB, has chosen the starting lineup for an upcoming match against HSV. A new transfer has been selected to start directly, and Becali is eagerly anticipating the player's performance. The text seems to be promoting a tip-line for information about the starting lineup.